This tutorial is designed to show the best way to save a QuarkXpress file to a PDF, for use with our system. It will also show the best setting to save time when uploading the files to the our FTP site for printing.

Step 1: Under the “File” menu choose the “Export” and “Layout as PDF... Choose a destination for you PDF and Click “Save”.

Color Images Compression:
“Automatic ZIP/JPEG High” Resolution: “Downsample to 300dpi”
Grayscale Images Compression: “Automatic ZIP/JPEG High” Resolution: “Downsample to 300dpi”
Monochrome Images Compression: “CCITT Group 4” Resolution: “Downsample to 1200dpi”

Step 3: COLOR
For 4 Color Process jobs choose:
Mode: Composite Setup: Composit CMYK.
For 4 Color Process Plus PMS inks jobs choose: 
Mode: Composite Setup: Composit CMYK and Spot
Note: It is very important to always export file Composite, because we go direct to plate from your files. It is also very important to send Composite CMYK without preserving Spot colors for 4 color process jobs, because many Spot colors will have color shifts when converted to CMYK.

Step 4: MARKS
Registration Marks Options Mode:
Centered Offset: 0.167 in

Step 5: BLEED
Bleed Options Bleed Type:
Symmetric Amount: 0.125 in Check “Clip at Bleed Edge”

Transparency Options Transparency Flattening Resolution:
Note: For any 4 color process jobs; It is very important to be sure that your file is CMYK before saving to PDF . It is also very impor­tant to be sure to expand all Pantone and Spot colors to CMYK before saving to PDF. Failing to do this may result in delays with your order.

Final Note: Always compare PDF to original files to be sure that all material translated correctly to PDF.